1 (800) 537-6151

Plumber Referral

First Restoration Services’ Plumber Referral Program

Attention all plumbers! Are you looking to partner with a trusted local business AND receive $250? Our plumber referral program allows you to do just that when you refer your customers to First Restoration Services for repairs and reconstruction.


plumbing referral restoration

plumber referral program

How the Plumber Referral Program Works:

It’s simple! When you refer clients to FRS, you work with a reputable restoration services provider to offer a coordinated response to those who use your services. The $250 is an added incentive to let you know how much we appreciate your participation. Everybody wins! Here is how the plumber referral program workers:

  • When you have a customer that needs emergency plumbing services, you cut and cap the line.
  • If the property requires any water damage inspection, water removal, or anything water damage related, refer them to FRS. For any work, FRS does you receive $350.
  • If the homeowner hires FRS for the repairs or reconstruction, you receive all of the plumbing work, guaranteed!
  • If any further plumbing issues are discovered during the job, we will use your services to correct the problem.